Wednesday, December 07, 2005

The Best Laid Schemes...

Well, today was the day. Here's how it was supposed to happen.

1. I was supposed to wake up.

2. I was supposed to call the UMD medical school and thank them for accepting me to their 2006 entering class.

3. I was supposed to be finally free of fear that next year will come and I'll be sitting in my parents' basement sipping Coke and playing Madden football until my eyes glaze over.

The first one happened. The last two didn't.

On the other hand, I did get an email from Mayo telling me to come to Rochester for an on-campus interview and tour. I guess I should be happy that I have options open at other med schools. And I -am- on the waiting list at UMD, or will be in April. So it's not a total waste of ... my life.

Also, briefly because I have to run in a few minutes, I talked with a recruiter for Teach for America today. It sounds like a great program, and I'm at least going to apply for that and see -- my backup plan to medicine is teaching, anyway, so can't go wrong there.

Well, that's my day.


Blogger dangeresque dan said...

See my prediction that you'd become the next Stutzman is coming true. . . Good luck Boyum.

9:23 AM  

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