My summer so far...
Well, since I've been pestered, I'll write something or something.
I'm in Michigan for the summer working/interning/volunteering at a neurosurgery practice... I'm not actually practicing neurosurgery... trust me. Trust me. I'm not Kelly Franklin. July 5 I start part-time at KCMS -- it has a longer, non-acronym-type name, but suffice it to say it's a Michigan State research place in town where I'll be doing some stuff in an organ transplant lab. I hope I'll make some money or something and maybe even learn something or something. Yikes.
I got some hefty scores on my MCAT, which made me happy that I don't have to take that sucker again -- an 8 hour test is something you don't want to do more than once a lifetime. I also found out, less recently, (can something be LESS recently, or only MORE recently??) that I managed A's in biochemistry and physics. Who wudda guessed?
And the kicker, I scored in the 99.1-99.7th percentile in the physics section of the MCAT. Stick that on the wall. At the exact moment I saw that, I think I may have crapped myself.
So I figure, things are going pretty good at the moment. But life is like an outhouse that way. It looks like any other little, stubby house on the outside. It might be painted nice, made out of good, solid wood. Maybe that cinder block in front of the door is a hint, but you let that pass you by. Then the door creaks open guided by your fat little fingers and... well, you know the rest.
When I delve into that pit of raw sewage, be assured that you, my faithful reader, will be the first to know.
Until then, I'm going to enjoy the fresh air.