Okay, everyone. The moment you've all been waiting for.
The one.
The first.
But not the only...
Well, now it's the only but it won't be in a while...
You're. . . still waiting?...
(Great big, expensive-sounding fanfare begins.)
The Boyumblog Moop Review!
#1. The Smartest, Most Satanic Moop in the Universe
The universe is a big place, and there are a lot of smart people, most of them in the universe, which is a big place. Most of these people, inhabiting the universe, that big place, are moops. Some of them don't know it, others do but try to hide it. But not this moop.
Because this moop isn't even a person. This moop follows moo quite closely, I hear, making it easier for moo-people to 'migrate' to its wonderful loins. (Loins? Seriously, Boyum...)
Of course, I'm talking about the Python Object-Oriented, Live-Coding, Multi-User Domain, of which the obvious mnemonic is... MOOP? What happened to POOLCMUD? I guess it just doesn't have the same ring to it. Whatever this 'MOOP' is, the guys who made it are really smart, I guess. All those hyphenated words... you'd hafta be.
And even to run it, I'm having problems right from the start. After deciding to give this MOOP a shot, I entered the "Getting Started" area to find out how I, too, could migrate myself to this wonderful state of moopdom. I never liked the moo-rons in Moo anyway. The first instructions...
'Unzip it into a working directory.' - OK. Check. Downloaded the .zip and put it in a working directory (I chose number C), which was easy to do, because all of my directories are working. I mean, how could I put it in a NON-working directory. Jeez, maybe these geeks aren't as smart as I thought.
And on I go... and the next instruction reads:
'Make sure that python is in your path'... What? Filling in the obviously missing 'the' and '.' in that sentence, I get a strange feeling that maybe this Python object-oriented, live-coding, multi-user domain isn't exactly what I thought it is. What path are they talking about? Is this something about life's journey? My spiritual path? Is this some sort of Satanic serpentine cult?
'...or that you give the python files executable permissions if your OS supports it.' -- Oh. OK. There's the '.'. But -- whazza? The day I give any computer file permission to execute me will be the day that Doug Downs will transform himself into a computer file.
Anyway... these 'programmers' then tell you to do a few more things, and you finally end up staring at a:
What do they say about this demonic, Satanist symbol of theirs?:
'the > is the prompt, which will change depending on context.' -- Changing prompts due to changing contexts... Oh the possibilities. I must find this MOOP! I must get python in my path! Come for me, dear MOOP. Hold on a second. No, no, what's happening? It's just too much! It's JUST TOO MUCH! What else?!:
'Type 0 to exit.' -- 0.
Whew. That's better. I had better remove that .zip from my working directory before any more poor Moos are overtaken by this Satanic brotherhood. So, I guess the moral of the story is that though people in this great big universe of ours might be really smart, that doesn't mean that they don't love Satan and brainwashing.
"Oh, crap! I forgot to include even one link in this whole message. What a moop."